Lamar Owen wrote:
On Tuesday, December 06, 2011 04:58:42 PM Lamar Owen wrote:
I happen to have a copy of an older brute-forcer dictionary here (somewhere) and it's very large and has lots of very secure-seeming passwords in it.
I ran down the copy I have; here's an excerpt of one of the dictionaries: ++++++++ root:P7zkJTma root:5D8DY22 root:mc99ZR34Z root:IVEUFc root:JJc9DicA root:zzzzzzz root:4m3ric4n root:3nglish root:g0v3rm3nt root:4zur3 root:bl4ck root:blu3 root:br0wn root:cy4n root:crims0n root:d4rkblu3 root:d4rk root:g0ld ++++++++
Yeah, some of those would ordinarily be relatively secure-seeming passwords.
alphanumeric only isn't so secure-seeming is it? Is this for admins who log in with a cell phone instead of a real keyboard? ;-) seriously: I thought the consensus was that a secure password should contain at least one or more non-alphanumeric characters.