on 1/29/2008 8:00 AM Chris Mauritz spake the following:
Milton Calnek wrote:
If you don't like the defaults, get anaconda to change them for you. Or write a script that you run shortly after install to make the changes for you.
That would be pretty amazing if at the end (or at the beginning) of the install there was some checkbox that said something to the effect of:
"Would you like to maintain compatibility with upstream security defaults or would you like to follow our more sensible recommendations instead?"
And if the user chooses the latter, a much more secure default configuration could be applied. That might go a long way towards helping non-wizard folks to enjoy some measure of additional protection by default. Just a thought.
But again, that breaks upstream compatibility. Besides, all of you know that there are people that click "yes" on every dialog box without reading them. I swear that if you added a dialog box that stated their firstborn would be sacrificed to the IT gods, and recorded the answers, you would get a large percentage of "yes" clicks. And most of those would be unintentional.