Thanks, that worked.
On Mon, 2009-02-02 at 16:55 +0100, Paul Bijnens wrote:
On 2009-02-02 16:45, James Pifer wrote:
I'm trying to use procmail and I'm having trouble getting it to set some headers. I have one mailing list that sets Newsgroups: in the header and I want to remove it. I have the following test recipe:
- ^Subject:.*<testing
- ^(Mime-Version:|Content-)
| formail -IMime-Version: -IContent-
If I understand it correctly, it should remove the Mime-Verion and Content headers.
The recipe gets matched but then doesn't deliver correctly:
procmail: Match on "^Subject:.*<testing" procmail: Match on "^(Mime-Version:|Content-)" procmail: Executing "formail,-IMime-Version:,-IContent-" procmail: Assigning "LASTFOLDER=formail -IMime-Version: -IContent-" procmail: Notified comsat: "test@:/home/jep/formail -IMime-Version: -IContent-"
From Mon Feb 2 11:43:03 2009
Subject: testing Folder: formail -IMime-Version: -IContent- 1010
It looks like it's trying to put it in a folder starting with formail. I tried putting the mail file on the next line (/var/mail/test), which is the same way I do it on my kid's procmailrc's, but it seems to ignore it. Where does procmail get the LASTFOLDER thing from?
Anyone know what I'm doing wrong?
Add the "f" flag to your recipe, to indicate the receipt is a filter, and not a destination.
:0 f or recipe...