On Wed, 2009-08-12 at 13:11 +0000, Ian Murray wrote:
actually, enforcing community norms in public is useful
Belittlment and patronisation is a community norm?
It normally is not offered as "belittlement and Patronisation" nor taken as such. It is normally offered as generous education and introduction to "norms" of list behaviour and accepted as such. Those with thin skins seem to not understand this. Nor do they understand that many factors make "abbreviated" posts, which can be easily taken as "harsh", a desirable thing. As with any human thing, extremes cme into play and perceptions, background, whats "expected" all influence the results.
It takes extra effort to add those few little words and phrases that may "soften" the perception. Not all are willing, or even aware of, these issues.
Just make your skin thicker and keep on truckin'.