On Tue, May 5, 2015 at 3:32 PM, Ulrich Hiller hiller@mpia-hd.mpg.de wrote:
Dear list members,
i have installed a CentOS 7 x86_64 system. I want to let users authenticate over our ldap server. This seems to be working. ldap-username and ldap-passwords are accepted for the users configured in the ldap server. No problem.
Now i want to restrict the access to users who have my centos-machine in their ldap host attribute.
My problem is, that this host attribute seems to be ignored. Any ldap user, independent from the host attribute, still can login in.
What could be the reason? (googling around did not lead me to a solution).
Try to set 'pam_check_host_attr yes' in /etc/ldap.conf .
--Regards Ashishkumar S. Yadav