On Fri, Jul 9, 2010 at 7:42 AM, Nicolas Thierry-Mieg Nicolas.Thierry-Mieg@imag.fr wrote:
Lanny Marcus wrote:
On Fri, Jul 9, 2010 at 4:08 AM, Lars Hecking lhecking@users.sourceforge.net wrote:
echo 'exclude=openoffice.org-*'>> /etc/yum.conf
Lars: Thank you! Lanny
Lars' advice is if you want to use the OO.org provided rpms (it tells yum to ignore the centos oo rpms, in particular it prevents yum from installing the openoffice.org-ure rpm and breaking your OO.org installed openoffice, as I mentioned).
In your other email you say you want to get rid of the OO.org version, and install the centos one. In this case you don't want to have that exclude line in yum.conf. It will prevent you from installing the centos version.
I would like to remove any remnants of the OO org version and install the CentOS version with yum. I believe I installed the CentOS version, with yum, last night, without problems.
However, since I also removed that package for menus, there is nothing in the Applications/Office menu for any of the OpenOffice.org applications. How can I restore the ability to launch the applications from the menu? Thank you, again, for your time and help!