Brent L. Bates spake the following on 5/23/2007 8:56 AM:
I have 3 partitions:
/boot - Because it can't be striped. It is mirrored across 4 drives on 2 controllers, just so the disk space isn't completely wasted. The partitions are there, so I'm using them. Each drive is also bootable as I used GRUB on each one.
swap - 1 partition on 4 drives on 2 controllers and I just let the OS handle the swap space anyway it wants to do and I don't use any software RAID options. All 4 partitions have `defaults,pri=1' in the /etc/fstab file.
/ - 1 partition on 4 drives on 2 controllers all striped together as one file system.
I've found over the years any more partitioning than that is just a waste
of disk space. If I had more partitions, I usually ended up with one partition with a lot of excess space and others with not enough. It was just easier to have everything together. On the current system we have about 600GB of disk space available with only 5% of it used. I'm not worried about anything getting filled up any time soon. Users who fill up drives get shot and then chastised. :-)
Striping / is just asking for a chance to test how well your backups work if you have a drive failure.