On Fri, Nov 26, 2010 at 02:12:04PM -0500, Robert Spangler wrote:
On Friday 26 November 2010 12:27, Akemi Yagi wrote:
I recommend you look at the documentaion available from docs.redhat.com. For setting up bridged networking, see:
http://docs.redhat.com/docs/en-US/Red_Hat_Enterprise_Linux/5/html-single/Vi rtualization/index.html#sect-Virtualization-Network_Configuration-Bridged_ne tworking_with_libvirt
Thank you kindly for the link. I have some reading a head of me.
Much as I respect Akemi san, I would say, don't bother. It's the usual poorly written RH documentation.
In contrast, there is the CentOS wiki, written by someone who actually knows something about writing documentation that people can understand. Oh....wait, it's me.
Actually, the KVM wiki article is very out of date, but the section on bridging is applicable. The RH docs were so bad, that I still had to go back to my own article.