This list is a "Members Only" posting list ... this is good because it prevents us from getting hundreds of Viagra commercials and such.
You can only post to the list with the e-mail address that you subscribed with.
If you post from another e-mail address, it will tell you that "Your post needs to be approved by a Moderator."
I just want to tell everyone that I normally _DO_NOT_ approve these posts to the list. It has nothing to do with the post not being good or me not liking you or your post :)
What it does have to do with is SPAM. We get hundreds of e-mails per day to each list as SPAM, and it would take several hours each day to touch each every e-mail from a non-member and verify it was relevant and not spam. I am sorry, but I just don't have time to do this.
If you post to a CentOS mailing list and you get one of those messages, you should repost your comments using the correct e-mail address that you subscribed with. You do not need to worry about removing the old post, as I will delete it along with all the others.
Sorry for the inconvenience, Johnny Hughes