The language lab from the local university has contacted me. They'd like to have a low-cost file server for storing all their language video files. They have a mix of Windows, Mac OS X and even Linux clients, roughly 50 machines. The files are quite big, and they calculated a total amount of 2 To of storage.
I'm not very proficient with hardware, meaning either I'm dealing with remote servers in some datacenter, or otherwise I install CentOS desktops on any hardware people throw at me.
Since the aim is lowcost, would it be wrong to install that fileserver on a no-name desktop PC with a 64bit processor and enough RAM, and then simply put 2 x 2 To hard disks in it, either with a mirroring RAID (can never remember which does what in 0, 1 and 5) or some rsync script regularly copying over the first disk to the second? Or do you have something more apt to suggest?
Cheers from South France,