2011/2/5 fakessh @ fakessh@fakessh.eu:
hello all the people
I'd call http://people.redhat.com/ atkac ~ / official member of the team redhat for news of future versions of bind 9.7 for el5
rpm.pbone.net shows ftp://mirror.switch.ch/pool/1/mirror/scientificlinux/5rolling/i386/SL/bind97-9.7.0-6.P2.el5.i386.rpm and ftp://mirror.switch.ch/pool/1/mirror/scientificlinux/5rolling/i386/SL/bind97-utils-9.7.0-6.P2.el5.i386.rpm in the search for RPM's containing the string "bind97". in their name. This is a vaguely useful way to distinguish non-standard, upgraded versions of RHEL components for parallel releases, and if some enterprising soul wants to get it into some repository like RPMforge for people not using Scientific Linux, that would be cool.