On Wed, Feb 1, 2012 at 10:47 AM, John Doe jdmls@yahoo.com wrote:
'Deploying' amanda is a matter of installing the rpm and editing a couple of config files about the tape drive, tapes, targets, and holding space. And maybe some firewall tweaking - but nothing really complicated. You get a lot of coverage of 'real-world' problems already built in that will be hard to match in a new program, but you do have to think the way it does...
An issue with tar is that if you have an error somewhere in the tar... it is bad news... afio compress files individually and has other nice things... Maybe star does it too.
In a practical sense, I don't know if that even matters. I've never seen a tape drive that could recover and read past an error in the input anyway. Maybe back in floppy disk days...