On 26/07/2012 15:50, Scott Robbins wrote:
Unfortunately, according to folks who have more knowledge than I do about these things, in later versions of Fedora, and therefore, probably the next version or so of RH, just manually editing sysconfig/network-scripts will overlook some necessary parts. system-config-network-tui may wind up becoming necessary. Through RH 5.x it was enough to manually edit the necessary files. However, in later versions of Fedora, this may cause errors because there will be some other scripts or files elsewhere, that system-config-network-tui manipulates. Meanwhile, Fedora is trying to make NetworkManager the default interface handler, (and there is apparently a command line version.) I know I'm old and cranky, but to me, it just seems like those meddlesome kids with their newfangled smartphones and touch screens are taking over development, and that many of them just don't care about the sysadmin portion of use.
Interestingly, even when I use system-config-network-tui (at least on CentOS 6.2) I still had to manually edit the ONBOOT network parameter in /etc/sysconfig for my Ethernet to be enabled at startup.
Not sure if there is something in the menu system that would do that for me...