On 7/14/10, William Warren hescominsoon@emmanuelcomputerconsulting.com wrote:
On 7/14/2010 1:16 AM, Emmanuel Noobadmin wrote:
Googling up a really old 2005 newsgroup thread says some people had 24 physical NIC (6x 4quad) in a system before and one person vaguely remembers a hard 256 limit which would make sense if physical interface count is a byte value.
can you give me a link to that thread? My googling skills are apparently not up to snuff to find that..:)
2001 poster says kernel 2.4 = 16 at least http://groups.google.com/group/comp.os.linux.hardware/browse_thread/thread/f...
2005 poster says he's seen 6x quad in a Linux server http://linux.derkeiler.com/Newsgroups/comp.os.linux.hardware/2005-01/0431.ht...