Am 21.08.12 11:41, schrieb Karanbir Singh:
On 08/21/2012 10:29 AM, Götz Reinicke wrote:
I installed proftpd from Centos repository to my Centos 6.3 server.
CentOS does not ship proftpd - so you might want to check where you got it from.
/("&§ repositories; it's from rpmforge. Sorry.
can be wrong? Or what may I have to change?
look at the log files on the server to see what is reported, then read the config files to make sure there is authentication setup.
Or even better, get rid of proftpd and just install vsftpd which should work out of the box on a CentOS machine ( and its included in the CentOS repos )
I'll try vsftpd.
Also, have you considered trimming your signature a bit ? at 23 lines its a bit over the usual 4 lines that most people stick with on mailing lists.
Sorry for that much mail signature, but that's our company policy and have to use it that way...
Thanks & Regards . Götz