Continuing this quaint convention(?) of top-posting,
TO: The O.P. -- "mcclnx"
My usual feeling is that there are many bittorrent clients out there (AAMOF Ktorrent is a really nice GUI that is YUMmable) and direct downloads are rude. However, some folks may have restrictions on what they can do and how they can do it. Therefore, to provide the answer you were looking for, go to and look at the 6th column, "Direct DVD Downloads". Any of the sites with a "yes" in that column should be able to send you the DVD iso without your having to use a torrent.
BUT... A torrent will almost always be faster, no matter how big the pipe, error-checking and resume following an error is superior. AND it just kinda shows a little respect to bow to the wishes of the folks who are footing the bill.
On 06/13/2010 01:14 PM, Joao Rodrigues informed us:
Hi, FTP.NFSI.PT http://FTP.NFSI.PT Joao rodrigues