On Mon, 2005-09-19 at 17:14 +0100, Will McDonald wrote:
On 19/09/05, Craig White craigwhite@azapple.com wrote:
On Mon, 2005-09-19 at 16:31 +0100, Will McDonald wrote:
Isn't the installer just a shell script? Couldn't you just prod around inside and see what it's specifically looking for?
damn - why didn't I think of that?
relevant section (I think)...
case "$LINUX_DIST" in RedHat) #redhat kernel version rtn=$(version_compare $VERSION "2.4.2" ) if [ $rtn -eq 2 ];then echo $INST_REDHAT_MINIMAL exit 1 fi rtn=$(version_compare $VERSION "2.5.0" ) if [ $rtn -eq 1 ];then DIST_TOO_NEW="YES" fi if [ -f /etc/redhat-release ]; then cat /etc/redhat-release | ${GREP} 'release 3|
release 2.1|3.0' | $GREP -v $GREP_S 1>/dev/null 2>&1 if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then OS_NOT_CERTIFIED="YES" fi else OS_NOT_CERTIFIED="YES" fi ;;
Looks strange - (I took the liberty of removing some of the line indentations for readability). I would think that the 'release 3' part should succeed.
What's GREP_S being set to elsewhere?
---- I don't know because I don't see how GREP_S is being set at all. ----
Really you could safely just comment out everything from "if [ -f /etc/redhat-release ];" to its corresponding "fi" and just set OS_NOT_CERTIFIED="YES" in there and bypass the rest.
----- here's the kicker, this is of course on the installation cd and I can't edit and run it without copying off the entire contents of the cd (since the file locations are all relative to 'install' which is of course on the root level of the cd itself.