On 10/22/2015 1:40 PM, Juan Bernhard wrote:
Im not saying that they must remove this package, but they also should include the newer version. I use freebsd (and its not a toy distro like fedora), and you have several ports, php, php54, php55 and php56 to choose whatever you need. Please, dont think that I dont appreciate the RH job on this, some one should support a long term version, some applications needs this, but very few. Thats all. I needed to say this, this is the only thing that bother me of centos, and its a little thing. The solution is to add another repo, but is a petty that they dont include the newer version on the default one. Centos its a great distro, dont take this a complain... its just a suggestion.
that suggestion would have to be made with RH, not CentOS, as the default CentOS package list *IS* the RHEL package list.