On 18/12/2013 4:30 PM, Reindl Harald wrote:
Am 18.12.2013 11:26, schrieb JEWEL AHMMED:
On 18/12/2013 4:00 PM, Alexander Dalloz wrote:
Am 18.12.2013 09:31, schrieb JEWEL AHMMED:
How can I disable PostFix maillog ( /var/log/maillog ) ?
May I ask why you like to do so? That's not a clever idea.
If you don't want to run Postfix, then switch it off. If you run it on purpose, then you should have a possibility to see what it does. Thus there are syslog() messages from Postfix.
My PostFix server is running good now
and if this changes you won't notice it without logs
but, When I send many email from my server, PostFix make log file big. now my log file is 30MB .. :(
laughable argumentation
If my file is very big, do i loss my server performance ? My vps is 512 MB RAM.. So ?
so, I want to disable log reporting it. Just, can you tell me, can i make it disable?
again: man rsyslog.conf
If yes, Please tell me the process
again: man rsyslog.conf
nobody should give more infos for doing something terrible wrong
I am new in Linux
obviously, otherwise you would not have the plain stupid idea to disable logging of a mail-daemon with the result never realize any sort of problems like get blacklisted, configuration errors and whatnot
nobody right in his mind disable maillog