On Tue, 2005-09-20 at 12:22 -0500, Les Mikesell wrote:
On Tue, 2005-09-20 at 11:45, Robert wrote:
anyways, the question i am wondering is... when a mainstream package like Apache httpd is upgraded to a newer version and released by the package maintainers, how long does it take for that to be picked up by our "upstream" and then incorporated and pushed to CentOS availability?
The short answer is 'never'. The point of enterprise distributions is that within their lifespan there are never major changes to the included applications. Instead, the old versions are supported by backporting security and bug fixes to the original releases so anything that depends on current behavior does not break. Sometimes that's what you want; sometimes it isn't...
Right ... during the lifetime of CentOS-4, it will most likely be httpd-2.0.52-*
IF (not likely) the upstream el4 distro changes to a newer version, so will CentOS.
CentOS's goal is to have the exact same versions as the upstream el4 distro.