On Sat, 2005-09-17 at 00:11, Dave Gutteridge wrote:
But I did want to speak to this issue of whether or not this is an appropriate place to address these issues.
Maybe... When someone suggests posting elsewhere it doesn't mean you aren't welcome here, it means that you'll get better answers from a list focused more specifically on the topic.
First, let me clarify that this issue is not how to run PHP or MySQL in general. It's that I thought I had installed these applications when I installed CentOS. To determine whether or not they are working is in part a matter of trying to find out how much I can assume about the CentOS installation process. Was the PHP application offered in the installer the full PHP service I need to run PHP scripts on my computer? I think this is at least, in some ways, related to CentOS, as it's CentOS which is the environment that has determined what version of PHP I'm running and what settings it has.
rpm -qa shows all installed packages rpm -q php shows the package version number yum info php more info yum search php includes available package not installed
But I will have questions where, like in this instance, I am not so sure about the borders between the application and the operating system, and I need help clarifying that so that I can take my queries to the right place for the right reasons. I mean, I don't understand why questions I, and others, have had about installing and configuring (and even running) KDE, Gnome, Gpilot, YUM, and installing OpenOffice and other applications were answered here without comment about their suitability for this list, but how to install and configure PHP is deemed inappropriate.
It wasn't clear that your question was about installing packages. Except for the subject line, it was more like 'this doesn't work'. No one could tell if you were even running apache with the file in the right place with the right name for php to process it. If you want help you have to be very specific about what you tried and how it failed, including any errors mentioned in the logs.
I'm looking for a community that is looking to help me get into the world of Linux, via their distribution. If the CentOS community is not that kind of community, one that helps Newbies, then that would be a little sad as I've invested so much work in getting CentOS to meet my needs, and I've felt that overall the CentOS community has been very welcoming. But if this group, or it's moderators, do not have the patience to help a newbie who does not know why a YUM installation question is on topic but a PHP installation question isn't, please direct me to the community and or distribution that is.
When you get down to questions about specific applications that have their own mailing list the advice to ask there is good simply because that's where you'll find the most expertise. But if someone here knows the answer they will probably reply.