Hi Gordon.
They advertise the starting "Business T" at 1.5Mbps per second They advertise the ADSL2+ 2 lines at up to 40Mbps per second. Am I mis-understanding that the cost for a T seems high, but a better option for me than getting their ADSL2+ service? I mean, is the "T" faster over all given it is all my traffic and I am not sharing? Can you explain a bit so I can develop a better understanding of how they advertise speeds, etc?
Yes, the cost for a T1 will seem very high. It is antiquated telco tech. T1s are generally very reliable, but very very slow.
1.5Mbps is not faster than 40Mbps. There's nothing hidden in the way they advertise speeds.
DSL and DOCSIS technologies have advanced and matured over the last couple of decades. T1 has not. A T1 connection is the same now as it has always been.
Your timing is perfect with this reply. I was just on the phone with Sonic.net and the rep told me that the T1 was better due to it being all my traffic and much more reliable.
They told me that most companies buying internet for hosting their infrastructure internally are not happy with 40Mbps.
With Comcast we currently have a 20 x 5 and they are offering us a 50 x 10 circuit for $123/month.