On 10/01/07, Karl R. Balsmeier karl@klxsystems.net wrote:
hey I already compiled apache 2.0.58 from source onto my centos server and noticed I needed to get SSL module added "after the fact"
-what are the commands I would run to get this working without wiping everything out and starting over?
It's generally recommended that you DO NOT compile *anything* from source for CentOS or any other RPM-based distro unless you have absolutely no other option and you know what you're doing.
And under those circumstances you should at least consider rebuilding a custom RPM with whatever additional functionality you require from the SRPM so it's still packaged and runs far less risk of breaking the system.
If you need Apache with SSL support the recommended method would be to install the 'httpd' and 'mod_ssl' packages and their dependencies with the command...
# yum install httpd mod_ssl
# yum groupinstall 'Web Server'
The latter of which includes...
Group: Web Server Required Groups: Base Mandatory Packages: tux httpd Default Packages: mod_python mod_ssl distcache webalizer system-config-httpd mod_perl crypto-utils httpd-manual squid php-ldap php Optional Packages mod_auth_kerb httpd-suexec php-pgsql php-odbc mod_auth_pgsql mod_auth_mysql mod_authz_ldap php-mysql
There's lots more useful information on the CentOS site and in the Wiki.
http://www.centos.org/docs/4/html/yum/sn-software-management-tools.html http://www.centos.org/docs/4/html/yum/sn-managing-packages.html http://wiki.centos.org/?action=fullsearch&context=180&value=yum&...