Joachim Backes wrote:
using centos 4.4, and freenx-0.5.0-10.c4 and nx-1.5.0-1.centos4 on a 8 CPU Amd Opteron system.
If I access this system by nxclient-1.5.0 from some workstation (FC6) with Gnome desktop, then after a successful login the X11 windows have no windowmanager frame, so a handling of the X11 windows is very difficult.
This effect does not appear when acessing the centos system by xdm.
Is this a known issue? All comments are appreciated.
Hmmm, I'm doing just that right now, using NX to use my home system from the office. You might want to check your NX session configuration. On the "General" tab, in the "Desktop" box, make sure that "Unix" and "GNOME" (or "KDE") are selected. I have had problems with any other settings, but these seem to work just fine for me. I'm using NX to access around a dozen servers from both my home and office workstations with excellent results.
Hope that helps!