On 3 Sep 2010, at 19:56, kalinix calin.kalinix.cosma@gmail.com wrote:
It's not about of paperwork. It's about the change process which should be wery well implemented and tested, re-tested and tested again. And when you think it's done then you should re-test once more.
Sounds like they should adopt ITIL! I'm upsetting a few people by bringing in change management but I won't have working servers messed about with unnecessarily!
I remember once, on an w2k3 (alas) when the first SP just get out. We had a developing team which deployed an java portal (don't ask).
We had something similar in my old job - had the green light to upgrade the Win2k3 Citrix boxes to the latest version of .net and it completely killed the application! Turned out development had only tested it on XP!
Thankfully we didn't trust them and caught the problem after just one server!
Take care,