On Tue, Sep 22, 2009 at 2:18 PM, Jerry Geis geisj@pagestation.com wrote:
I was installing centos 5.3 x86_64 on a sempron 2.7G machine with 512M ram. The install started off fine then REALLY SLOWED down about 70% into install. I did have a swap space. after that it just crawled. I tried restart the install a couple times at 512M. Same thing around 70% the slow down.
I then put in 1G of RAM and everything zipped on past and finished fine.
Does 5.3 have minimum installation RAM requirements? I had not noticed. Does the same apply for running? 5.2 did not seem to have any issues running in 512M that I recall.
It depends on the amount of packages you select. A minimal install should work with 5.3 and 512 MB of RAM.
The reason is that yum needs a lot of memory when doing dependency checking etc.
Regards, Tim