On Thu, 2009-06-11 at 14:46 -0500, Vadtec wrote:
Ok, firstly, I have dropped using the alias notation and am now working solely on eth0.
Secondly, yes, I am talking about provisioning more than *one* IP at a time as being a "range".
As for IPV6ADDR_SECONDARIES, when I use the following config: /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ifcfg-eth0: DEVICE=eth0 IPADDR=***.***.***.*** NETMASK= BROADCAST=***.***.***.*** ONBOOT=yes
IPV6INIT=yes IPV6ADDR="2001:0470:0103:001A::2/64" IPV6ADDR_SECONDARIES="2001:0470:0103:001A::3-2001:0470:0103:001A::FFFF" IPV6_AUTOCONF=no IPV6_ROUTER=no IPV6FORWARDING=no PEERDNS=no VLAN=no
I get the following error:
Shutting down interface eth0: [ OK ] Shutting down loopback interface: [ OK ] Bringing up loopback interface: [ OK ] Bringing up interface eth0: ERROR : [ipv6_test_ipv6_addr_valid] Given IPv6 address '2001:0470:0103:001A::3-FFFF' is not valid WARN : [ipv6_add_route] 'No route to host' adding route '::/0' via gateway '2001:0470:0103:001A::1' through device 'eth0'
the file /usr/share/doc/initscripts-8.45.25/sysconfig.txt does NOT mention the - for ranges either, so I guess you are out of luck. Louis