On Wed, 18 Nov 2009 18:00:25 +0100, Frank.Brodbeck-E4aVwrWTXLGELgA04lAiVw wrote:
I'd try this as a quickshot:
find /etc /root /home -type f -exec grep -l PS3 {} ;
than I'd take a closer look at the files that will show up. And I'd read bash(1) closely to learn which files are being read in which order and especially when.
If all of the above doesn't lead me anywhere, I'd start poking around on a mailing list to see if somebody could explain me what's going on, but maybe that's just me.
[root@mbrc40 ~]# find /etc /root /home -type f -exec grep -l PS3 {} ; /etc/termcap /etc/pki/tls/certs/ca-bundle.crt /etc/alsa/cards/PS3.conf /root/.ssh/exe/psftp.exe /root/.ssh/exe/putty.exe /root/.mozilla/firefox/l2cth6mq.default/Cache/61FD9500d01 /root/nvidia/NVIDIA-Linux-x86-190.42-pkg1.run [... I removed results in .pan2]
In termcap, it is in a comment.
in ca-bundle.crt, its in the base64 (don't tell anyone)
Nothing else seems relevant.