On Thu, Oct 17, 2019 at 09:08:28AM -0500, Johnny Hughes wrote:
On 9/24/19 2:41 PM, Frank Cox wrote:
Without wanting to sound too pushy, I'm wondering if there is any update on the status of Mate now that Centos 8 has been released?
I would love to jump on C8 and start playing with it, but the lack of Mate is kind of a showstopper for me at the moment.
Is gnome3 really that bad :D
I decided to just bite the bullet and shift to real gnome3 (and not the classic) about 4 years ago. It waas different and took some time to learn .. BUT .. I can do everything I need to do now.
I like both mate and cinnamon .. so I am not knocking either one. I just think people might be well server switching to a 'supported' desktop in the longer run.
Again .. don't get me wrong .. it's open source, so do what makes you happy :D
Johnny, I'm sure it can be learned, apparently lots of people have done so and are now happy(for some values of happy) with it.
That is just something I don't feel like doing. I'm not against change, but the changes in Gnome 3 seemed to me to be needlessly adding pain and difficulty to what had been a perfectly usable desktop. Every time I install a new CentOS I grit my teeth at having to remember/figure out enough of it to get me thru to the point where I can use a friendly UI.
Yes, I should stop being a luddite and learn it. but, y'know, I just can't bring myself to deal with the pain. As a geezer, I guess I'm kinda set in my ways. :)
Just to get the Mate installed on C8 (as was posted here recently where/how to do it) was more pain that I enjoyed going through. Now, I'm sure there are simple solutions to these issues, but I just don't want to have to stop what I'm doing to google for them... anyway, I had firefox open and wanted a terminal window. couldn't figure out how to set it up so I could see both at the same time. Once I maximized FF I couldn't figure out how to get it to not eat the entire screen--no clicky buttons on the top-right of the window, so I ended up using the left-most item at the top of the window (forget what it is named...) to choose which window I wanted in front. tedious but livable.
but now I don't have to do that 'cause Mate works great!
And thanks to you, Johnny, and your companions/associates for all the many YEARS of work you've all put in on CentOS. Even though I gripe and complain about Gnome3, I really do appreciate all you've done!