"Bob Hoffman" bob@bobhoffman.com wrote:
And to learn the lead guy seems to have absconded with the cash and left all the hard working devs high and dry..well that is scary.
No he hasn't left them all high and dry. By the sound of it, none of the devs have *ever* seen any cash. They're all paying for this out of their own pockets.
Worst case scenario, the Centos project has lost everything currently donated, and has to set up a new domain name and new paypal account. That doesn't change anything for the average bum like you and me. The devs will keep doing their work and in fact, things may improve, because once things are sorted under someone else's control (or a committee), then there will probably be some money available to them for travel to shows, or whatever.
From my point of view, I've never even heard of Lance, so the people doing the work will continue doing the work.
So sit down, stop conjuring up disaster scenarios that the world will end, down a few shots of your favourite whiskey or bourbon, and have a nap.