On 01/11/2015 01:04 PM, Sven Kieske wrote:
On 11.01.2015 19:05, Valeri Galtsev wrote:
That sounds like you have collected and counted "votes" pro and against systemd.
How could it sound like I collected "votes"? I don't care about votes when it comes to technical superiority.
As far as "advantages" are concerned: I didn't see any compared to sysvinit or upstart. I don't care that _laptop_ with systemd starts 3 times faster
It is not just 3 times faster .. you can also list prereqs. So if something requires httpd to be started, you don't just mark one to start with a 10 and the other with a 15 .. then hold your breath and hope that it takes 2 seconds or less for the item marked with 10 to start before the item marked as 15 starts .. the daemon with a require does not attempt to start before the prereq as started and registered as started.
You also act like starting servers faster is no big deal .. ask Amazon if it was a big deal that the hundreds of thousands of servers they need to restart for AWS xen update took 1/3 the time to restart. Ask them how much money it cost them for things to take way longer to restart.
As any of the cloud providers how much time/money it can save if you can spin up things faster.
You are making an excellent job at ignoring my argument. Again: how do you ensure that your system services are up and running with sysvinit?
You guys can't just ignore the advantages of systemd and even ignore the points like they don't exist. Here is a prime example. You would need to use another piece of software to do something systemd does that sysinit does not. You need something like monit (http://mmonit.com/monit/) to monitor daemons.
- it's brilliant when you have to start it right on the
podium few seconds before giving your presentation. However, my life is more influenced by the servers I maintain.
Than how do you maintain servers with sysvinit?
I can't take this serious as it seems you didn't research any of the design goals of systemd and any of the shortcomings of old init systems.
I agree with Sven .. this is a religious argument (like vi/emacs or kde/gnome or even gnome2/gnome3) and not a technical argument now.
Stuff changes, get used it.