On Fri, Sep 4, 2015 at 5:28 AM, Ralf Aumüller < Ralf.Aumueller@informatik.uni-stuttgart.de> wrote:
after an update from 6.6 to 6.7 the following error message is logged
/var/log/messages when I login (per ssh):
Aug 11 16:31:21 a1234 automount[1598]: set_tsd_user_vars: failed to get passwd info from getpwuid_r
Did some more tests:
Compiled autofs with logging of UID/GID in autofs-function "set_tsd_user_vars". Just before the error is logged, autofs tries to get password info for e.g. UID 409651584 and GID 4294936577 (witch don't exist). Then error message is logged.
A fully updated 6.7 system running latest 6.6 kernel (2.6.32-504.30.3.el6.x86_64) won't print the error message. I checked the changelog of kernel 2.6.32-573.3.1.el6.x86_64 and found some autofs patches since version 504.30.3.
But I can't test an further because the kernel-srpm didn't include single patches anymore.
Maybe someone with deeper kernel knowledge has an idea?
Best regards, Ralf
It looks like the latest kernel release fixes this issue:
CentOS pushed the kernel update last night (CEBA-2015:1827 CentOS 6 kernel BugFix Update). I've tested it on a machine that logged the error every time we ran a certain cron job, and so far the errors are no longer appearing.
From the RedHat advisory at https://rhn.redhat.com/errata/RHBA-2015-1827.html :
* When logging in as a user and trying to mount a share using the "cd" command, the UID and GID autofs additional variables previously took incorrect values, taking root UID and GID instead of user's UID and GID. The bug in the assignment of uid and gid mount requests has been fixed, and UID and GID now get the correct values with autofs configuration on Red Hat Enterprise Linux 6.7. (BZ#1258581)