The CentOS team is happy to announce the availability of CentOS-4.0 (RC1) for i386. This product supports AMD Athlon, Athlon XP, Duron, Intel Pentium, Pentium Pro, Pentium II, Pentium III, Pentium 4 and Pentium Xeon processors. i586 based CPU's are also supported.
A bittorent for CD binary iso files is available from:
The only way to download ISO's is via bittorrent. Please leave your download client running after the download is complete (with ports 6881-6889 open) as your client will become part of the peer to peer bittorrent network and reduce the load on our network mirrors. If you need some quick pointers for getting up to speed on bittorrent read:
NOTE: This is a Release Candidate distribution build and may not be suitable for use in production environments. We encourage you to provide feedback on this build via the Mailing Lists.
However, any errors or bugs you encounter should be reported to us via bugzilla on
RC1 - Expected life span is 14 days from Release. Within this time period we expect to move to a Final Release. Unless there are any urgent security issues, there will be no package update provided for RC1.
If you are currently running Centos4/Beta i386, you should take a look at the release notes at :, before attempting the upgrade.
We are working on an upgrade path from CentOS3 to CentOS4. Once complete, it will be posted into the Mailing Lists as well as posted online at
Known Issues include a problem with the initial splash screen displayed at CD Boot time.
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