On 23/01/2008, at 2:35 AM, Bart Schaefer wrote:
On Jan 22, 2008 7:23 AM, Steven Haigh netwiz@crc.id.au wrote:
Hi All (again).
I am still at a loss on this one. Does anyone have any pointers for me?
Hmm - thanks - that might be my next resort if I don't notice any improvements.
procmail: Couldn't create or rename temp file "/home/netwiz/ Maildir/.CentOS-Discussion/new/msg.A"
That ("msg.A") doesn't look like a file name that procmail would assign to a message in a maildir. What is your actual procmail recipe?
That's what I thought, however, upon looking at the files in certain maildir folders, there seems to be a lot along this line... ie: msg.ZZ22:2,Sa msg.6G42:2,S msg.6GygB:2,Sa msg.BN32:2,S etc etc etc.
Some are also formatted like the one below.
procmail: Assigning "LASTFOLDER=/home/netwiz/Maildir/new/ 1199459595.7065_1.zeus.crc.id.au"
That, on the other hand, DOES look like a procmail file name.
I suspect pilot error.
That I'm not too sure about. It's pretty basic setup:
## CentOS Disussion List :0 * (To|Cc).*centos@centos.org* { :0 .CentOS-Discussion/ }
All the other rules are variations on the above (usually just changing the email address and the destination folder.
-- Steven Haigh
Email: netwiz@crc.id.au Web: http://www.crc.id.au Phone: (03) 9001 6090 - 0412 935 897