Soon means soon ... we have to get the tree stable on many servers before we can make it available. This stuff takes time.
I think this is the major source of this latest flurry about the release date.
The twitter posting from KB said "soon" and then things went quiet for 2 days without any additional information posted. As a matter of fact, there is still nothing posted to the blog.
I think most people assume "soon" is sometime that day or the next. By saying that, KB unfortunately set people's expectations to a shorter timeframe than what reality needed.
We all understand things take time. We can all accept that, but its hard to gauge how long things take when we are not involved in the process. We are looking to the developers to help us set our expectations correctly.
Johnny's post on the centos mirror announce list was a much better posting:
The CentOS 5.4 tree will begin syncing out on the CentOS and CentOS-incdvd targets in the next 24-48 hours
That sets people's expectations to a timeframe without any misinterpretation.
Please do not take this posting as negative or complaining. I am trying to offer constructive criticism to help avoid some of these misunderstandings in the future.
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