--On Tuesday, March 25, 2014 08:21:08 AM -0600 Nels Lindquist nlindq@maei.ca wrote:
We've been using Horde on CentOS for years, and I'm just about to deploy a new server into production running the latest Horde release on CentOS 6.5.
I'm deploying Groupware Webmail Edition 5.1.4, which includes turba, trean, kronolith, gollem, ingo, imp, mnemo and nag, plus I've installed passwd separately.
I'm using it for a number of virtual domains on one server, with Sendmail, Cyrus IMAPD (including Sieve for filtering) and PostgreSQL with LDAP authentication.
I've had similar configurations running for years on CentOS 5, using MySQL instead of PostgreSQL, and a slightly different enabled stack in the Webmail edition. Yes, you need to understand how mail protocols work, and you need to be able to read and understand technical documentation. Without trying to sound condescending, do we really expect non-technical users to be able run an MTA and MDA?
While getting that software stack working in the days of CentOS 5.0 was a bit complex, including needing to have custom builds of Cyrus IMAPd and Horde, I find that current versions deploy quite nicely on 5.10 with only minimal configuration changes, and have been quite stable.
Just waiting on CentOS 7 to start updating those systems ...