On Mon, Jun 05, 2017 at 10:31:10AM -0400, m.roth@5-cent.us wrote:
I've got an old HP Netbook, which is just fine for taking with when I'm travelling, to check email and news. I have a very old Ubuntu netbook-remix on it, and it really, *really* needs to be updated to something current. I, of course, would prefer CentOS....
The question is: I see that *if* the specs I just looked up (I'm at work, not home, where I could just turn it on, but they sound right) Atom N270 CPU, 2G RAM, 160GB drive - what should I put on it, C6 or C7? Upgrading the memory's not going to happen, so it's got to live with that size.
Depending upon what desktop you want or need, a Fedora 25 is still available in i386. You can download the netinst, do a minimal install then add your desktop. It's probably the closest thing to CentOS for now. Something like openbox, or even better, dwm, probably wouldn't strain its resources too much.