On 08/09/11 4:02 PM, Craig White wrote:
you have a complete kickstart script written for you already...
speaking of kickstart... I may need to setup a portable kickstart server for CentOS 6 , and I've never really messed with it... how do you supply the ks.cfg file when you're PXE booting and have no CD or floppy?
is there a good how-to on setting up kickstart servers for EL6 ?
redhat can't be serious when they say...
30.2. PXE Boot Configuration
The next step is to copy the files necessary to start the installation to the tftp server so they can be found when the client requests them. The tftp server is usually the same server as the network server exporting the installation tree.
(end of section)
like, *WHAT* files?? does anyone PROOF READ this stuff ?!? (yeah, I know, this is upstream's problem, not CentOS...)