On Tue, Nov 20, 2007 at 09:52:43AM -0500, Ray Leventhal wrote:
Fajar Priyanto wrote:
Hi all, A friend of mine gives me a copy of Centos5 DVD. I then make an iso of it using dd if=/dev/cdrom of=centos5.iso command. I then check it using sha1sum. But the result is different than of listed in Centos website. Should it the same? Or we simply cannot compare sha1sum from burned DVD to that of 'unburned' iso file? Thanks.
an afterthought -
the subject of your mail was md5sum...the body speaks about sha1sum. They're different mechanisms; comparing a sha hash to an md5 will always be different, I believe.
this and the relevant links might help: http://www.g-loaded.eu/2006/10/07/verify-a-burned-cddvd-image-on-linux/#more...