I have SAMBA working on Centos 5.5 - I can see and access my "home" directory from a Windows machine.
I have created a new folder to share, changed the owner and group to my username and chcon -t samba_share_t to allow SELinux to share the folder. I can see this folder from Windows but not access it's contents.
I think that the key reason is that there is no user assigned to the new share that I have created in SAMBA.
I don't seem to be able add users/passwords (at least they don't stay present! In the SAMBA section of Control Panel I have selected my username from the Unix users and added it to SAMBA users with the same password as the Windows machine (and as it happens the Centos machine). Click Apply and OK. When I re-load the SAMBA section of Control Panel my user has disappeared!
This didn't happen when I setup a Centos 4.4 machine - all the users are still visible in Control Panel.
Without the user available I can't assign it to my new share. Why is my added user disappearing and how can I solve it?
(I presume that I can access my "home" share as it is automatically by the username from Windows).