Karanbir Singh wrote:
I promise not to top post anymore :)
Do you know why the problem I'm describing
could be happening?
its all assumption at this stage since you've not really said what
breaks or how it does not work
All other packages I have are i386.
I've taken the binary from bash i386 and I did ldd
I copied all relevant files to the livecd but it only works on i686.
What do you really mean by 'it only works with i686' - which part of
the livecd is failing ? how did you create this livecd ? what kernel
and glibc / init process are you using etc ?
- KB
What I've done is taken a generic Kernel and compiled with
i386 support.
All I have on the livecd now since I started from scratch is a copy of
the dev entries in centos.
All the disc does is run init and load bash. The init itself is a bash
script which just tells /bin/bash to execute
I have all the .so files as mentioned in my previous e-mails copied to
the relevant places.
When I run the disc on any i686 machine it works but if I take it to an
i586 it halts after the kernel loads.
There is no error message, I can type things but bash never actually
executed (remember this disc works fine and loads bash like it should
on an i686 machine).
I am using Centos 4.4 Server CD, it comes standard with an i686 glibc
installed but I downloaded glibc.i386
and run "rpm -Uvh glibc-rpm.name --force" to install it over top of
I hope that explains it. The bottom line is the disc works on any i686
machine but not an i386.
I almost wonder if somehow some of the i386 glibc .so's are not i386 as
it claims?
Thanks again!