On Jan 8, 2008 12:33 AM, Nicolas Thierry-Mieg Nicolas.Thierry-Mieg@imag.fr wrote:
you mean seamonkey crashes, right? ie, all other seamonkey windows on the box close?
Can't say - I use the tabs and rarely ever have more than one SM window open.
I've been seeing that at home on a 32-bit centos 5 system... very
But I haven't noticed it on my 64-bit machine at work, where I use an x86_64 seamonkey (with nspluginwrapper for flash), straight rebuild of seamonkey-1.1.7-1.fc7.src.rpm.
You might want to try that.
I've never been able to get the nspluginwrapper to work reliably for me, which is why I run the 32-bit version of SM.
However, I have been asked by the Mozilla folks to run their L&G nightly built (alpha) version, which I am at the moment, and so far so good. Hopefully this will crash at some point and produce a report/dump/log/whatever that they can use to isolate the problem.
In the mean time, who knows? It only bites about once a day, at random, usually at the worst possible moment.
I'll post whatever results I find, hopefully soon and good.