I'm currently busy setting up a machine for use as an internet kiosk. Here's what I aim to do.
- There's only one user on the system, 'invite'. One (very simple) password. The machine is to be used publicly and freely.
- To ensure some privacy, there's one detail though. The best thing would be that upon disconnection from the GNOME session, the user 'invite' gets wiped from the system (userdel -r) and then created anew, with his password already set. This I can do.
- The tricky part is to do this upon disconnect. There's a function in System > Preferences > Session, where I can choose programs to run upon GNOME startup... but there's nothing similar for the disconnection.
- Writing a script disconnect.sh and then creating a desktop shortcut for it would be to no avail, since 'userdel' and 'useradd' can only be called as root.
Any idea how I could do this ? The idea is that every new user begins with a clean slate.