On Sun, 2006-01-22 at 22:09, Paul wrote:
The arguments they gave to me were, what happen if redhat close the base packages, they don't have to release them, but just to the buyer, and we can't buy the distro, there are others distros like debian that is totally free, and without dependencies of proprietary industry.
I looked briefly at Debian when RH dropped support for their older products. Things in Debian were different enough to be a fairly significan re-learning experience for me that I did not really want to face the change.
I also found Debian Stable a bit too long in the tooth as far as software packages ... it felt like I was migrating from RHL 7.3 to 6.2.
Yes, if you are arguing about future availability of Centos, ask the Debian proponent to describe the schedule for planned future Debian releases. I've never been able to understand that myself.