On Feb 4, 2013, at 3:12 PM, m.roth@5-cent.us wrote:
Craig White wrote:
Why is it that they don't package it?
shouldn't you be asking this of upstream? They're the ones who choose which versions to include.
No. If I cared enough, I'd ask on the RUBY list. It's ruby.org that appears to ignore CentOS and all other RH-derived distros.
Btw, you might notice we're on the CentOS, not ubuntu, or some other distro list.
---- and you'd get no answer from the ruby list. The decisions about which versions are packaged are made by Red Hat and obviously CentOS gets from upstream. Just the same as perl, python, etc. ----
rbenv and rvm have wonderful mechanisms for downloading & building ruby and even allow you multiple versions on the same computer running at the same time. The simplification of the process is quite complete.
I notice that you are ignoring my issues, and go on about how wonderful the unique ruby package manager is, and say nothing of installing on a number of machines at once.
---- ignoring your issue because it doesn't apply to my workflow. All new deploys are done via ruby so it's the first and almost only thing installed on a fresh 'base' installation. At the point that ruby is installed, I install the puppet gem and then invoke the first puppet run. At that point, all software installations are done via puppet.
As for which version of ruby, we decide that prior to installation of a server since we have virtual servers and some hardware servers that we deploy applications for specific versions of ruby.
On say my development machine, I can merely type 'sudo rbenv install 1.9.3-p194' and it will be downloaded and installed automatically. ----
Of course you wouldn't understand these things because you made up your mind a long time ago.
I've only slowly made up my mind, but the more I have to deal with ruby, as I said, the less I like it.
---- sorry but whether Mark likes it or not is not meaningful to me. I've been developing on RoR since like 0.0.7 version. It's become much of my livelihood. ----
You, on the other hand, have already come here with the attitude of "my way or the highway"; this is *NOT* the way to encourage folks to change their minds.* Nor is it helpful to me.
---- not really - it's that you don't have much first hand experience so since you can't merely type 'yum install rails' and be done with it, it confuses you.