Helo list About a month ago I was wandering how to upgrade php 51 to 53. Finally, I follow those instructions: http://drup.org/upgrading-centos-5-php-5.3
I share my experience with you. Everything qoes fine and know 5.3.3 php ver run on my centos 5-10.el5.
Thank you all for your help. Nikos
On 4/10/2013 3:02 μμ, Reindl Harald wrote:
Am 04.10.2013 13:51, schrieb Nikos Gatsis - Qbit:
Hello list I'm managing a web server with centos-release-5-9.el5.centos.1. I have php-5.1.6-40.el5_9 right now and I'd like to update it to php53. I wander if its easy or complicated. If somebody have any instructions I'd be very glad!
error_reporting = E_ALL | E_STRICT
display_errors = 0
watch your logs for deprecated warnings, cleanup the stuff
make sure your software works with 5.3 before you start
rpm -qa | grep php -> notice what is installed
remove the php-packages with "rpm -e --nodeps"
"yum install" the same packages with php53-subpackage
watch your errorlogs