On Fri, 2006-11-03 at 20:51 -0500, Black Hand wrote:
On Wednesday 01 November 2006 09:52, Rajeev R Veedu wrote:
Has anyone got PHP 5.1.6 rpm for centos? Any thin near to 5.1 would do.
I need following RPMs
5.1.4 is in dev.centos.org
i rebuild php 5.1.6 and many extras, backported from FC6 and rawhide, i can put in a repo for testing that somebody can offer to me to put.
The upstream provider has released a new thing called the Red Hat Web Application Stack. It contains the following versions:
HTTPD Apache 2.0.58
JBoss AS 4.0.4
MySQL 5.0.17
PHP 5.1.4
Perl 5.8.8
PostgreSQL 8.1.4
We will build these RPMS (and put them in CentOSPlus) when they are available from the upstream provider (if they ever release them), but we do not want to go higher than those products, as this is an updated (and Enterprise) application stack designed for EL4.
Thanks, Johnny Hughes