Robert Moskowitz wrote:
OK. I loaded the CDs onto one of my servers.
you can see them at
When I enter as the web site name and ~rgm/centos as the directory, it fails reporting that it cannot access the
Where is that extra / coming from? And when I go back to the screen where I entered this info I see /~rgm/centos ! I did not enter that leading /
What gives? how do I get past this point?
At 10:39 AM 12/19/2005, Karanbir Singh wrote:
Robert Moskowitz wrote:
When, after starting the install, you get a list of places for the distribution, listing things like: CDrom, NFS, FTP, HTTP, Local hard drive What is expected on the HTTP url? The ISO images?
the full expanded tree is expected. You could use for server : for path : centos/4/os/i386
( this is for a i386 install )
you can ignore that extra / , check on the server log files what / where its looking.
Also on the the VC#3 and VC#4 you should see some extra info about the various url's its trying and if there is a networking issue or not.
btw, could you try not top posting..