Hello Mark Sir,
Sorry if you feel bad due to my foolishness and inadequate knowledge.
My actual problem is that my setup is at college and due to internet connectivity
problems as well as college hours are over, I am responding from home.
So as per your instructions I will again go thoroughly through your replies.
And I hope that I won't try to disturb you.
Sorry for my foolishness,
Thanks for your help !!
One more thing as per I think I have lost only file which responsible for GUI of the centos.
You should have command line login using <ctrl><alt><f2>
Problem is Appearance of login window. System boots normally; now I will try out your said command.
gnome or kde?
In any case, you need to do yum -y update and update your whole system to current.
Problem is I have installed Eucalyptus cloud,Snort IDS and now
rSyslog; so I am in fear that update
It shouldn't. And why did you install rsyslog? That's the default system
log package in 6.x.
I think sir you are talking abt CentOS 6.4 becoz in centos 6.3 there
upto 5.8.10.
You. Do. Not. Understand. What. I. Am. Saying. You need to stop and THINK while you're reading. rsyslog is the default syslog in ALL VERSIONS of CentOS 6.
Yes Sir got it.Now I understand no need to reinstall rsyslog just use default one. How foolish I am !!
If you're still having gui problems, you *might* have a driver issue.
What video do you have?
<nsip> I have not installed any video drivers before this. I tried to
one but it does not work. So I leave it as
You really, REALLY need to do some reading about *Nix systems. The base install installs video drivers; if you add a desktop install, it will install its best guess at drivers - they're already there. Unless you've got multiple monitors, in which case you may well have trouble, then the gui should just work.
everything was working fine before breakage of libgcc.686 package dependencies (as I remember)
<snip> > I am in SSH with this machine from long time. I am asking if I am > unable to get GUI then I should try to install files
Wait - how are you trying to log in, from the console, or remotely?
I will first try out your instructions ; if that works. No remote no console.
If not, then I will try to login from Putty - windows client. And sir,
would you please more focus on *nix systems?? any link??
And could you briefly address me what is actual mess around here??
I don't think I'll respond again. I feel as though you do *NOT* understand linux (or any other version of Unix, usually referred to as *Nix). Go read the FAQ from the centos website. Go read wikipedia.
I'm tired of making suggestions, and you don't have a clue as to what I'm asking or suggesting.
I'm at work, for which I am a senior person, and get paid for that. I feel like I'm wasting time trying to help you.
Try googling for answers, before you post, or if you don't understand some of the suggestions.