David McGuffey <davidmcguffey@...> writes:
I'm receiving the centos-request in digest mode. Using Fedora 10 and Evolution. When I tried to reply to a centos-request message inside the digest, the result doesn't seem to look right. I cut/paste the proper subject line (replacing the CentOS Digest, Vol NN, Issue nn text), but some have complained that this approach doesn't allow the original question and replies to be threaded.
So...what is the appropriate way to respond when one is receiving the digest version?
I was recently soundly castigated for "messing up the list threading" by replying to digest items by just doing a cut and paste that preserved the subject. Someone on the list was kind enough to point me to:
Which provides a threaded web interface for a number of mailing lists including this one (linux.centos.general on gmane). I've been happy with the functionality although not being able to just hit reply takes some of the spontaneity out of list conversations.
Cheers, Dave